News & Press

2011 Vintage

2011 Vintage

In 2011 the year started off mild and dry, then became colder in February. A warm month of March awakened the vine very early (around the 15th), which is exceptionally premature.

Both leaves were fully spread on around 5 April. Temperatures stayed mild – even warm – throughout the month. Treatments had to start on 25 April (whereas they usually start between the 8 and 10 May during a normal year).

The month of May brought average temperatures, with vineyard work proceeding quickly, three weeks ahead of average. In fact flowering began on around 18 May, with a median date of the 25 May. If we follow the 100-day rule, we found ourselves with a theoretical harvest date of 30 August!

Generally speaking, spring 2011 was warmer and drier than 2003 but also more so than the last 50 years.

June stayed very fine and trellising was carried out at the end of the month. The bunches closed on 1 July.

Then the weather began to worsen and became cooler. After several uncharacteristically dry months, the rains returned. Veraison began on around 25 July.

In terms of parasites, 2011 was particularly healthy. The dry spring prevented diseases from gaining ground. Only a few spots of Mildew could be seen at the end of July, but these did not affect the vineyards.

August brought the same climate conditions as July, then fine weather returned on around the 20th of the month. The harvest began at the beginning of September in changeable but warm weather.

The fruit quality was good, but not exceptional, and yields were satisfactory. The grapes were well fed during the last two months of the season, given the rainfall. The health of the fruit was very good as diseases were virtually unable to spread during the 2011 growing season.